Attract Customers: The Psychology of Sales and Marketing Alignment

May 13, 2024 |

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Let's talk about attracting customers through the psychology of sales and marketing alignment. In today's digital world, it's important to understand the journey your customers take and ensure that your sales and marketing efforts are in sync. This topic is a part of our sales playbook project program, which aims to provide valuable insights into customer psychology and effective messaging.

By aligning your sales and marketing strategies, you have the potential to attract more customers and increase conversions. It's crucial to tap into hidden markets and understand the various stages of customer awareness. Only 3% of your audience is actively looking for your products or services, while 30% are aware they have a problem but unsure of their options. The remaining 30% may not even be aware they have a problem, but could still benefit from what you offer.

Through this post, I will share with you my personal experience in the private education sector, where I successfully applied these techniques and generated 200% conversions in a week. By focusing on elevating the customer's pain points and offering valuable guidance, you can shift their mindset and move them from an unaware state to a purchasing state. 

And if you want to just watch me tell you, here's the video!

Sales and Marketing Alignment

In today's digital world, sales and marketing are no longer separate entities. It's important to understand that your customer goes on a journey with you, and both sales and marketing need to be completely in alignment. This means that your messaging and strategies should work together seamlessly to attract more customers and increase conversions.

The customer journey has changed with the rise of online information. Customers now have access to a wealth of information about products and services before even speaking to a salesperson. This means that salespeople no longer have all the answers. Instead, they need to work alongside marketing to ensure that the customer is well-informed and guided towards making a purchase.

Aligning sales and marketing efforts is crucial because it allows you to tap into hidden markets. Only 3% of your audience is actively looking for your products or services, while 30% are aware they have a problem but unsure of their options. The remaining 30% may not even be aware they have a problem, but could still benefit from what you offer. By aligning your sales and marketing messaging, you can shift their mindset and move them from an unaware state to a purchasing state.

To successfully align sales and marketing, it's important to focus on elevating the customer's pain points and offering valuable guidance. Rather than solely focusing on your product or service, become a trusted advisor or coach to your customers. Help them understand their goals, opportunities, and options. By taking this approach, you can create a more meaningful connection with your audience and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Understanding Your Audience

When it comes to attracting customers, it's important to understand your audience and their needs. Let's dive into some statistics first: 97% of people aren't actively looking for what you have to offer. This means that the majority of your potential customers may not even be aware of your product or service.

When it comes to audience awareness, there are different percentages to consider. Only 3% of your audience is actively looking for your products or services. These are the individuals who are actively searching for a solution and are ready to make a purchase. 

The next segment, which accounts for 7% of your audience, is looking at their options and shopping around to make a decision. 

The first 30% is aware they have a problem but are unsure of their options. They are in the research phase and looking for guidance.

The 30% who fall into the "unaware" segment represent a huge opportunity. These individuals are not even aware that they have a problem, but could still benefit from what you offer. This segment is often overlooked, but tapping into this hidden market can be extremely beneficial for your business.

The last 30% is a "no" and aren't people who would purchase.

By focusing your sales and marketing efforts on this unaware segment, you have the chance to challenge, excite, and influence them. You can shift their mindset and get them to take action. Rather than competing aggressively and trying to sell to the 3% or 7%, you can accelerate their decision-making process and increase your average dollar per sale.

It's crucial to understand the importance of tapping into hidden markets. Is there something that you do really well that most people aren't aware of? Are there people out there who need what you have but don't even know it yet? By identifying these opportunities and tailoring your messaging to address their needs, you can attract customers who may have never considered your product or service before.

The Power of Non-Competitive Deals

When it comes to attracting customers, it's important to think outside the box and explore non-competitive deals. By targeting the unaware segment, you can tap into hidden markets and create opportunities for higher conversions.

Targeting the Unaware Segment

Many potential customers may not even be aware that they have a problem, but they could still benefit from your product or service. By focusing your sales and marketing efforts on this unaware segment, you have the chance to challenge, excite, and influence them. You can shift their mindset and get them to take action.

A Contact Strategy and Longer-Term Decision Making

One of the key benefits of targeting the unaware segment is the opportunity for a contact strategy and longer-term decision making. Instead of aggressively selling to customers who are actively looking for a solution, you can take a more patient approach. By building a meaningful connection, offering valuable guidance, and becoming a trusted advisor or coach, you can accelerate their decision-making process and increase your average dollar per sale.

Higher Average Dollar per Sale

By thinking creatively and focusing on the needs of the unaware segment, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and increase your average dollar per sale. Instead of competing solely on price, you can provide unique value and solutions that customers may not have considered before. This can lead to more non-competitive deals and higher profitability for your business.

Encouraging Creative Thinking

To effectively attract customers from the unaware segment, it's important to think outside the box and get people to think differently about their needs. Instead of leading with your offer, focus on elevating their challenges, goals, and opportunities. By shifting the conversation from product features to personal needs, you can create a more compelling message that resonates with potential customers.

Overall, targeting the unaware segment and pursuing non-competitive deals can be a game-changer for your sales and marketing efforts. By leveraging a contact strategy, thinking long-term, and emphasizing creative thinking, you can attract customers who may have never considered your product or service before.

Applying the Approach: A Personal Example

Let me share a personal story from my experience in private education to illustrate the power of sales and marketing alignment in attracting customers.

During my time working at a private college, my role was to sell programs to potential students. Initially, I approached sales as a product specialist, focusing on providing information and answering specific questions about our offerings. However, I soon realized that this approach was limiting my success in converting leads.

I made a shift in my mindset and position myself as more than just a product specialist. I transformed into a career coach and advisor, elevating the customer's challenge and goals instead of solely focusing on the product. By adopting this new approach, I was able to have more meaningful conversations with potential students and their parents or friends who accompanied them.

Instead of immediately discussing the program details, I engaged them in conversations about their career goals, opportunities, and options. This shift in focus allowed me to move potential students from an unaware state to an aware state and eventually to a purchasing state. By helping them see the bigger picture and how our program could align with their career aspirations, I was able to convert more leads.

The impact of this approach on conversion rates was significant. In some weeks, I was able to achieve 200% conversions, compared to my previous sales approach. By emphasizing the customer's needs and goals and offering valuable guidance, I created a stronger connection and increased the likelihood of successful sales.

This example demonstrates the importance of aligning sales and marketing efforts and the impact it can have on attracting customers. By elevating the customer's challenge and goals, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and tap into hidden markets.

When you focus on addressing the needs of potential customers who may not be aware they have a problem, you have the opportunity to challenge, excite, and influence them. By shifting the conversation from product features to their personal needs, you can create a more compelling message that resonates with them.

By implementing this approach in your sales and marketing strategies, you can attract customers who may have never considered your product or service before. By becoming a trusted advisor or coach to your audience, you can accelerate their decision-making process and increase your average dollar per sale.


The key points discussed throughout this post emphasize the importance of aligning sales and marketing efforts to attract more customers and increase conversions. By tapping into the unaware segment of your audience, you have the opportunity to challenge, excite, and influence potential customers who may not even be aware they have a problem. This segment represents a hidden market that is often overlooked but can be extremely beneficial for your business.

I encourage you to apply the approach discussed in this blog and share your results. By focusing on elevating the customer's pain points and offering valuable guidance, you can create a more meaningful connection with your audience and increase the likelihood of conversions.

By targeting the unaware segment and pursuing non-competitive deals, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and increase your average dollar per sale. This approach allows for a contact strategy and longer-term decision making, enabling you to accelerate the customer's decision-making process and increase profitability.

If you want to learn more about sales and marketing alignment and how to attract customers effectively, I invite you to subscribe and connect with me. Together, we can explore new strategies and techniques to optimize your sales and marketing efforts.


What is sales and marketing alignment?

Sales and marketing alignment is the process of ensuring that the strategies and messaging of both sales and marketing departments work together seamlessly to attract more customers and increase conversions. It involves understanding the customer journey and aligning sales and marketing efforts to provide a consistent and effective experience.

How can I tap into hidden markets?

To tap into hidden markets, you need to focus on the unaware segment of your audience. These are individuals who may not even be aware that they have a problem, but could still benefit from your product or service. By tailoring your messaging to address their needs and challenges, you can challenge, excite, and influence them to take action.

What are the benefits of targeting the unaware segment?

Targeting the unaware segment can lead to several benefits. Firstly, you have the opportunity to challenge, excite, and influence potential customers who may not even be aware they have a problem. This can lead to higher conversions and increased profitability. Secondly, by focusing on the unaware segment, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and pursue non-competitive deals, resulting in higher average dollar per sale.

How can I shift from a product specialist approach to a more customer-centric approach?

To shift from a product specialist approach to a more customer-centric approach, you need to focus on elevating the customer's pain points and offering valuable guidance. Instead of solely focusing on your product or service, become a trusted advisor or coach to your customers. Help them understand their goals, opportunities, and options. By taking this approach, you can create a more meaningful connection with your audience and increase the likelihood of conversions.

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